duminică, 16 noiembrie 2008

Eu reprezint Romania!

Jim din Taiwan, colegul meu de apartament, crede ca Franta a mostenit Romania, ca s-a format inspirata fiind de Romania. Nu i-am zis ca nu e asa.
Shi Hui stie ca avem gimnaste bune.
Gummi stia ca Nadia s-a sinucis.
Eva a crezut ca actiunea din 4 3 2 se intampla in prezent in Romania.
Orlando nu a cunoscut pe nimeni din Romania, nu stie unde e pe harta. dar i se pare misto.
Pe holul facultatii gasesc infipt in perete steagul Romaniei, confectionat din material de punga. Rosu Galben si Albastru.
Nimeni nu stie nimic despre Romania. Ce imagine? Ce tiganii ne fac de cacat? Ce Carpatii sunt mandria tarii? Ce ospitalitate? Ce Nadie? Ce Hagi? Dacii au fost buni mestesugari? Who gives a fuck????

Eu si Cealalta Romanie din Anglia! Deci:

Merg pe strada cu cealalta Romanie. Ne ratacim. Intreb niste tipe cum ajungem in piata. Zice ca e de mers vreo 15 minute, ca e cam departe. Zic: "No problem, we're strong Romanian girls, we can make it".
Cealalta Romanie zice: "Bai, nu mai zice asa de Romania..." ??!!

Iau steagu de pe hol si il pun pe banca. Astia ma intreaba: "E ziua Romaniei sau ceva?" zic "NU, am gasit steagu pe hol".
Suntem in curs si profu zice despre politicile culturale si exportul de cultura in diferite tari. Ma enervez si scriu pe steag. un coleg imi zice "Ooof, don't write on the flag!" zic "It's ok. It's just plastic".

Vorbesc cu un alt coleg despre Romania. Ii povestesc despre bannere, despre case nationalizate, despre Romania. Zice: "It's so cool! You must have a lot of subjects over there. You have enough material for the rest of your life. You're lucky!"

Iata cum suna oficial politica culturala a Romaniei, documentata din documentele ministerului. Citez:

The main objectives of the Ministry's activities are:

· increasing the degree of access to and participation in culture;

· promotion of diversity and preservation of cultural identities;

· promotion of multiculturalism and protection of the culture of minorities;

· protection of cultural, material and immaterial heritage;

· promotion and development of contemporary creation and support of the creators;

· support for the circulation of cultural works and creations, promotion of intercultural

dialogue and of cultural creation within of the world's circuit of values;

· support for artists' and creators' mobility, and also for cultural specialists;

· fostering of cultural life within local communities;

· support for community involvement in the development of the knowledge society,

through promoting universal access by public institutions to information centres;

· designing a specific social protection system for creators and artists;

· fostering development of the cultural industries sector;

· specia lised training for workers in the cultural sector;

· promotion of programmes and projects dedicated to adult education; and

· support for the law recognising religious groups.


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